One of the most creative and fun ways to practise the faith can be found within the youth ministry.
If your 13 - 17 years old,, join us and bring a friend to our next meeting.
See below for the upcoming-fortnight events.
Time: 7pm - 8.30pm
Venue: Mary Immaculate Parish | 125 Barnier Drive, Quakers Hill
Contact us : parishoffice@maryimmac.org.au
Youth Leaders: Fasa Moa, Louella De Leon & Jess Pacheco

Introducing Catholic Youth Parramatta's
“Elements” is an online initiative by Catholic Youth Parramatta which offers content for youth ministers to use in their respective parishes, schools and movements. It will be distributed monthly.
We look forward to seeing how Elements grows with you. If you wish to discuss the content of this initiative further, contact Eleanor on eleanor.bonwick@parracatholic.org.au
"And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit"
Acts 2:4
Can you believe we are in the month of May already? If you take a look over your calendar you may notice that this is a big month for our Church! Not only do we have the celebration of the Ascension of the Lord, and Pentecost Sunday, but we also dedicate the month of May to Mary - a tradition dating back to the 13th Century!
Let's talk a bit more about the feast of Pentecost and why it's worth getting excited about. The Book of Acts, chapter 2: 1-13 describes the moment when the person of the Holy Spirit fell upon the first followers of Jesus, gathered together in the Upper Room.
An incredible wind is said to have come into the space in which the disciples were gathered, with tongues of fire resting upon their heads. This encounter empowered the disciples with bold faith, the ability to speak in different languages, and gifts such as the working of miracles, healing and prophesy! These gifts were all vital for the spreading of the Gospel to all nations. Wow! What an incredible moment of grace.
Do you know that the person of the Holy Spirit is very active in our Church today? Pope Francis addressed his weekly audience, in February, with this question: 'Do I pray to the Holy Spirit, who is the one who moves your heart, who brings you consolation, who brings you the desire to evangelize? The person of the Holy Spirit continues to empower us to fulfil Christ's mission today. Let's continue to open our hearts with all those who have come before us by praying, 'Come Holy Spirit'!
Also, Happy Birthday! Because Pentecost marks the birthday of our Church. On this day, Peter, our first Pope, spoke his first homily to both Jews and non-believers, resulting in 3000 new converts- how cool is that?
Hosts, Fr. Mike Rapp and Jacob Machado, describe themselves as 'not radio talents, but regular guys who also happen to be Catholic priests'. In response to Pope Benedict XVI's call to use technology for the new evangelization Fr Mike & Fr Jacob seek to unpack and explain the fruits of the Holy Spirit in a casual and digestible way.
This month is dedicated to our Blessed Mother, Mary! If you want to learn more about Mary, check out this Podcast.
Youth coordinator for the Archdiocese of Adelaide, John Nguyen, shares some intriguing reflections on youth ministry. With several years of experience up his sleeve, John has grown in wisdom that we can learn from!
The word budgeting can be scary. It can be confusing, overwhelming or even feel like a waste of time. Come and learn from Director of Evangelization, Edmund Mitchell, as he provides practical advice for youth ministers on the area of budgeting.
The Alpha Youth Series, was created to engage with young people on topics relating to faith, life and relationships. This video series is designed to present the Gospel in a fun and relatable way.
The Bible Project is on a mission to make the Bible more accessible for more people. This video unpacks major themes, words and ideas found within the Book of Acts, chapters 1-7. A fantastic resource for youth leaders seeking to run a Bible study this month!
“Cheerfulness strengthens the heart and helps us to persevere. A servant of God ought always to be in good spirits. Charity and cheerfulness, or charity and humility, should be our motto.”
St. Philip Neri
Saint of the Month: St Philip Neri
Feast Day: May 26
Known as the Patron saint of joy, Philip Neri used the spirit of joyfulness to guide people to a holier life.
The 16th-century mystic and missionary St. Philip Neri (1515–1595) served as a priest, prophet, creator of the Oratory, and healer of souls. Philip resided In Rome, which at the time was greatly in need of reform and spiritual regeneration.
Philip was known to witness to those around him through kindness, joy, and courtesy. He is a wonderful role model for living out the Gospel daily.
Saint Philip Neri, Pray for Us!
Women across our Diocese are invited to come and gathering together for a casual evening of conversation and encounter. We will be discussing all things faith, career, relationships, ministry and vocation.
Keen to learn more? Call your friends and come along for a night of faith, fun, friendship and food!
The phrase, 'Come Holy Spirit', is a prayer Christians have said since the very earliest times in Church history. However, have you ever wondered what we are asking for when we ask for the Holy Spirit, who is the third person of the Trinity, to help us?
CYP has put together a video resource, based upon the Holy Scriptures, and writings of Pope Benedict XVI, to touch upon some of the remarkable things the Holy Spirit does.
A great resource for this coming Pentecost!
Let Your Game On: Human Noughts and Crosses
Get ready for the ultimate game of noughts and crosses!
1. First things first, place out 9 chairs, in 3 rows of 3, all facing the same way.
2. Divide your group into two teams, one is the noughts, the other is the crosses. Have them stand facing each other on either side of the chairs.
3. Pair up from each team & number them, so there should be a number 1 on each team etc.
The aim of the game is to have a row of noughts or crosses by having a team get three in a row.
When you call out a number, it is a race between the member of each team to get a seat and make their X or O first.
Whichever one gets there first gets to stay!
Keep calling numbers until you have one team reach three in a row!
Once your group gets the hang of the game, you might want to make it essential for them to not sit in the 3 chairs closest to their starting point to make it more challenging.
Copyright © 2022 – Catholic Youth Parramatta - Agency for Youth
Catholic Diocese of Parramatta, All rights reserved.
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Catholic Youth Parramatta – 470 Church Street, Parramatta, NSW, 2150
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